Have you ever woken up one morning and you reach for your phone and within a blink of an eye, it is Noon and you don’t know where all the time went.
Guess what?
You didn’t just lose time, you lost the time value of money.
Unfortunately, you can recover money but you cannot recover from loosing time.
It is that bad!

So, what are these time sucking mistakes?
- You are not Setting Goals that will Stretch you to get specific result in your Business: One great thing about goals is that if you actually did it right, then you will actually understand the specific steps to take to achieve it. Your goals should Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound.
Another Example is Jim Carrey, the actor that acted “The Mask” whose asking price is $20 million per picture but before then he was struggling as a Canadian comic trying to make his way in Los Angeles. One day while he was dreaming of his future, he wrote himself a check of $10 million and dated it Thanksgiving 1995 and added the notation “for acting services rendered”
Get it yo! You cannot dig a well with a spoon. No matter how big and wide the spoon is. So, also you cannot get the best results without writing it down. That is why you have a business plan and your school has a curriculum.
Financial institutions has a financial goal and even an ant has a plan of gathering food before it becomes too late, so also should you!
If this feels so overwhelming for you, then you should practice “the rule of five” this is a rule I got from Jack Canfield; the best-selling author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul.” He said according to Ron Scolastico, “if you would go everyday to a very large tree and take five swings at it with a very sharp ax, eventually, no matter how large a tree is, it would have to come down.
Now, all am asking is that you make one big goal, then take 5 specific actions that will take you closer to your dreams.
- Delegate: Everyone have a core genius, something you are really good at that you can do closing your eyes. Those are your core genius, focus on that. When you delegate, delegate completely and ask for feedback.
- Stop Comparing yourself or your progress with other people: Stop playing costly games with your future and with your business. You do not have such time! If Mr. A is doing what you want to do, Ask Mr A questions about his progress to get you started